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Benefits Of Healthy Sexual Intercourse

Thursday, July 2, 2009 | posted in | 0 comments

Healthy sexual intercourse satisfy both the parteners ,makes and keep them happy, healthy and active for whole life , improve their working capacity and feel young for whole life.It makes both the parteners affectionate in their personal life and cofident in their social life thus preventing depression from any stigma of life.

Sexual intercourse does not mean producing childern only but it keeps one fit for whole life by increasing production of testosteron which provides stronger bones and muscles thus helping to stave off osteoprosis also.According to a research in Queens University of Belfast, London sexual intercourse decreases the risk of heart attack / stroke by improving circulation and reducing blood pressure. It enhances antybody production that provides protection against microbes producing diseases in our body, diminishes risk of developing diabetes ,help in alleviating artheritis and migrain. It makes the hair shining and skin glowing by raising the out put of oestrogen and other hormones which are associated with it.

HEALTHY SEXUAL INTERCOURSE: Sexual intercourse which had to be in good relationship, satisfies both the parteners without any depression, anxiety, drugs improving sexual efficiency instently, major medical problem, drug side effects and is within limits according to age , time and season.

AGE: Most appropriate age for sexual intercourse is 20 years to 70 years and never before the age of 16 years or after the age of 80 years.

TIME : One should indulge in sexual intercourse only when he feels sexual instinct and is attracted by the sexual partener.Best time for sexual intercourse is at bed time that too 2-3 hours after the dinner. Some research scientists from Londen and America say morning sex sessions are good to reduce risk of heart attack by controlling blood pressure , dimminish risk of Diabetes and help in alleviating arthritis and migrane. No doubt morning sessions will help all this as it burns around 300 callories an hour but for prolonged sexual life one should have a sound sleep after sexual intercourse for next best profomance. So best time for sexual intercourse is at bed time. To have the benefits of morning sex one should have sexual intercourse at least 2-3 hours after light dinner. If it is performed shortly after dinner it can cause Arhritis, heart attack and other problems.

FREQUENCY OF SEXUAL INTERCOURSE according to seasons: Most appropriate season for sexual intercourse is winter and the frequency may be daily in winter but more better is on alternate days in youngs and twice a week after the age of 45 years. In summer it should be once fortnightly but not more than 15 days in any case execpt rainy season when it should be avoided whole season. It is obvious from this also that in old times newly wedded lady was sent back to her parents in rainy season thus avoiding sexual intercourse in rainy season.

WHAT TO DO AFTER SEXUAL INTERCOURSE: It is best to have bath after sexual intercourse and then drink milk or soup in case of non-vegetarians and then should have a sound sleep to regain calories and to cover up the defeciency of semen comes after sexual intercourse for best next performance. Though bath is indicated in old ayurvedic texts but it may be avoided as it can prevent sleep which prevails immediately after sexual intercourse.

WHO NEEDS APHRODISIACS/ VIRILE MEDICINES/ SEXUAL TONICS: There are various factors which stimulate a person for sexual intercourse-

  1. There are some persons who get stimulated by nature and need not any type of help
  2. Some persons get stimulated only in winters and have low sex drive in summers.
  3. There are other persons who get stimulated only with the help of aphrodisiac

BEST APHRODISIAC/SEX TONIC: Best sex tonic is that lady who is attractive, healthy, beautiful, sexy and makes one feel alone without her in this world. The person should not have any doubts about her sincerity. Such type of lady is the best tonic for that person. A lady which is different for every person , is the best tonic is so because she has all that which can stimulate all the five sense organs of a man.

VIRILE MEDICINES: Ayurvedic medicines are the best virile medicines especialy herbal medicines which one can eat for whole life i.e. from the age of 20 years to 70 years not before or after that and without any side effects. Metals should be used in ‘ Bhasam’ form which should be only of best quality and should not be used regularly for much longer periods . Next comes the homeopathic medicines which are also good especially in cases with low confidence . Next comes the allopathic medicines which are successful in cases especially with low hormone levels but for those cases also first try should be with ayurvedic or homeopathic medicines. Most of our colleages from modern medicine plea for no medicinal effect in sex problems as these are said to be only psychological problems but one may ask them are there any medicines for psychological / psychatric problems? Do they prescribe the same or not? Answer is positive. Moreover all the sex tonics/ virile medicines in ayurveda are mood elevaters thus making one confident for sexual intercourse.

WHAT ONE SHOULD DO FOR PROLONGED, HAPPY SEXUAL LIFE: Wife/ lady partener should always be dressed beautifuly, sweet spoken ,sexually attractive,cooperative and of same interests. They should visit hill stations near rivers and should talk to one another cheerfully.

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